Someone done lit a fire. . .

Praises be. . someone has started a fire under this project (figuratively, of course). Day 2 of spring break brings us framing in the basement, more wood and gravel. Hallefreakinlujah!!!! Now if we can just ascertain the exact date of the DWD. This will be high comedy, as we record the nearly impossible task of manuvering the S curves with a wide load. Not to mention positioning a crane in the mud. I can’t wait!!

Being that it is day 2 of spring break, I must take a moment to be grateful that the break is really not for the students; it is, of course, for the parents to have a break from doing homework. I did quite well in the fourth grade, many years ago, however I am finding myself overwhelmed by the homework I get to “help” with for my fourth grader. I would ask you to “give me a break” but I realize that this week is it!

Enter the soapbox. . . .

Rote homework, mass produced projects, and teaching to the test is MEANINGLESS to our students in the long run. I am tired of the reams of paper I am forced to find homes for, the refrigerator art that has no redeeming value, and the hours of repetitive, disconnected, little assignments that clutter our lives every day as an excuse for “homework”. Thank heaven and the Alpine School District for Spring Break. The boy needs to be outside, exploring in the mud, building with the leftover construction scraps, figuring out stuff for himself, not limited to an arbitrary list of teachable items someone in a government position and with multiple inititals after their name dictated as the appropriate curriculum for the fourth grade.

I understand we have one more big project this year: a native american diorama.

Brody will be building his in the backyard!

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