25 Random Things via FB

As a facebook viral this was an interesting list. I don’t usually participate in the list making requests, but this one intrigued me so I thought I would repost here. I’m sure there are many many more than 25 random things, but these seem to be the 25 that make me who I am–clearly disturbed, but fun!

1. I love pizza.
2. I don’t eat seafood or fish of any kind. I won’t eat a hamburger if the bovine pastured near the ocean!
3. I am a proud Diet Coke Addict!
4. I get some of my best artistic inspirations during church, so I always bring a sketch pad and pencils.
5. When I have creative block, I do jigsaw puzzles?!?! or sort beads!?!? (see number 17)
6. I suffer from occasional bouts of ADOS–attention deficit ohhh shiney.
7. My idea of a vacation is a jetted tub and a stack of unread books.
8. Last year I read at least 75 books. My goal this year is 100.
9. I have too many hobbies.
10. I don’t really cook; I can cook, but don’t.
11. Number 10 is why I married a cook.
12. I love being a red head.
13. I love fall leaves, so much so that every book in my house is always filled with the hundreds of samples I pick up almost daily.
14. My family ROCKS!!
15. I believe that having sisters makes sanity a reality.
16. I have a lot to say, but very little patience to sit down and write it.
17. I love organizing beads. (is my aspie showing?)
18. I have very little tolerance for stupidity.
19. In my next life I want to study anthropology.
20. I love to theorize.
21. I believe chocolate is the most perfect food–but not all chocolate is created equal–bring on the imports!
22. My dream is to own a Porsche 911 or even a 912 like the one I drove in high school.
23. I love to juxtapose the unlikely in my work.
24. I always try to hide a heart somewhere in my designs.
25. I am marrried to Superman

Enough said!

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