Pig Flu?

Here’s the way the story goes:

Once upon a time B*Rod wakes up with a fever and an ugly cough. At the same time the news media is falling all over themselves about a possible “international pandemic” of swine flu, whose symptoms are indiscernible from traditional influenza. (Cue the building anticipation soundtrack. . . ) B*Rod’s lovely and remarkable mother (sniff, sniff) remembers that his classmate went to Mexico for spring break. B*Rod’s handsome and competent father remembers that this same classmate was coughing and sick over the weekend, approximately a week after his return to the U.S.A. (Bring down the lights, tighten spot on parents and sick child) Could their little angel have the flu of swine? (cue conclusion music, fade to black.)
Momma called the doctor and the doctor said: There have been no cases officially reported in this state, so he likely has the good old regular flu, but stay in touch with the classmates family to see if there’s anything we should do.
In the meantime, B*Rod has spent the day quiet (he really must be very sick!) reading a book (see what I mean?) and watching tv. His wonderful and talented mother just read online (and of course you should believe everything you read online, especially wikipedia) that those who are diagnosed as swine infirm must stay away from the public for a full seven days AFTER the symptoms have abated.
really. . . .
home and well for seven days. . .
if this is the case, I will be hoping that I get the pig flu too, timed so that I am out of it for at least part of those 7 days. (the thoughts of the catch up homework alone are overwhelming, not to mention the 3 ring circus I will be required to put on to entertain the recovering patient. . . . . )
So let’s go with the good old fashioned flu.
I’m feeling really good about it.
Really, I am.
I think.

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