Change Is A Challenge

B*Rod, our 12 yo Aspie son with ADHD is struggling with change.

Our recent tour of the Midway docked in San Diego.  

But then, don’t we all?  

For B*Rod, the change is chemical, as we are trying to find the right mix of medication to help him successfully navigate the many sensory stimulations that overwhelm his life.  As a result of these changes to his system, his behavior is ALL OVER THE PLACE:  Emotional, aggressive, hyper, lethargic, overstimulated, bored, and best of all, incredibly annoying.  I think maybe the doctor should have prescribed something for his father and I, so that we could positively face these changes and challenges, every hour, all day, every day.

Isn’t change a similar experience for all of us.  Sometimes not quite so dramatic as to run the litany of emotions and reactions all in a single hour, but a roller coaster of emotions nonetheless.  And with B*Rod’s change, as well as the many changes and challenges we navigate in our lives, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes that light is hard to see through tears and frustration. 
 But it is there.  
Knowing that,
 counting on that, 
gets us through every day.

As a result of all this chemical craziness, some of the musings heard from B’s room are pretty funny.  I’ll share a few here over the next few weeks as we wait out the half life of these meds.

**a phone call from school, “Mom, I am really sick.  My throat hurts, and I keep coughing, (exaggerated cough) and my torso is really bothering me.  I think I have a tapeworm.  I better come home.”

” I am going to rally my friends to get a movie made this summer.”

**a few days ago, during a particularly stressful argument he would only speak ( or yell ) Tatooine, a language from Star Wars. Scary thing is he was pretty convincing after about 90 minutes.

**during another meltdown moment, “I just wish I didn’t have this condition.  This disorder is so hard.  It makes me think about too many things at one time.”  wow, he nailed that one!

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