W.O.W. starts TODAY!!!!

W.O.W. is a little celebration that I instituted the year I turned 40. It seemed that since my birthday and mother’s day occur in the same week nearly every year it was easy for my family to lump them both together. Forgotten No More!

(Usually articulated with a megaphone)

And now, without further adieu,

I announce the opening of the 2009


This begins a week before my birthday and consists of my family, bowing down to gratefully thank me, honor me, and bestow upon me little tokens of their affection in an effort to make up for all that I do for them all through the rest of the year. It doesn’t always play out the way I envisioned, however, it gives me ample opportunity to call attention to the fact that my day of celebration is imminent. Honoring myself in this way has actually made me enjoy the annual turning of the clock.

So here’s to another wonderful year of W.O.W. I’ll let you know how it pans out–(I’m hoping for pizza tonight and jewelry by Saturday!)

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